Lifeguards Should NEVER Scan!

I sat at my desk one day in a creative planning mode thinking about training lifeguards and starting with the idea of asking myself what do I actually want them to do on stand? What is the outcome I want them to achieve?  That thought process led me to think about...

State of Aquatics: Redwoods

We have enjoyed participating in the State of Aquatics address that happens every year with The Redwoods Group.  The Redwoods Group is one of our clients that we support. Here are the last two years videos.  More information about The Redwoods Group can be found at...


So many resources, so little time!  We have so many options in our iLEARN content area to serve and support our aquatics community: iGUARD – key principles for improving lifeguard performance.  One concept and approach in this training is to INVESTIGATE your...

5 Lessons Learned from Investigations

Through the course of completing over 700+ accident and drowning investigations, we believe there are important lessons to be learned from each incident individually as well as collectively.  Here are a few… Bridging the gap between training and reality is...