Aquatic Safety Consulting
Utilizing our operational experiences laced with the cause and effect realities gained from investigative and litigation experiences, we provide the aquatic community …

We Believe Everyone is Important We are a comprehensive aquatic risk management firm dedicated to the prevention of drowning and catastrophic aquatic injuries through …

Aquatic Accident & Drowning Investigations
We specialize in providing the insurance industry, aquatic community and legal community with a resource for immediate accident investigation services. The benefits of …

Aquatic Litigation Support
We are aquatic safety experts, providing the legal community with a contemporary voice on aquatic related matters. Areas of Specialization Lifeguarding - …
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Accident Investigations

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25 Ideas to Refresh Your Break Room / Guard Room
We have seen a ton of break rooms / guard rooms in our days, I’d venture to say hundreds if not thousands. We have seen some amazing spaces and some not so amazing spaces, and we know everyone does not have the opportunity to visit other operations and take note of what is working in the behind the scenes locations. So, we have made a list to give you some inspiration on ideas for improving your break room / guard room. #1 - Clean it - I know...

Are You Having Trouble Hiring Lifeguards?
Hiring lifeguards has become a “hot topic” recently and I have some thoughts on it that may be a little outside of the box (shocker…lol!) Let’s start with a simple statistic. There are more people aged 15-24 (generalized typical lifeguard age) today in the world that there ever was before*. So this issue isn’t there not being physical people available to do the job of lifeguarding. It is something else. If there are available people, why am...

Part 2: 7 Tips for Dealing with Aquatic Director Challenges: When your Boss Doesn’t Know Aquatics
Click Here to read part 1 where I outline some of the problems I see Aquatics Directors facing. Now, for part 2…some ideas on solutions or how we can address these issues. I’d like to give a disclaimer saying I don’t have all the answers but wanted to share what has worked from my experience and some ideas from fellow colleagues and other non-aquatics operations. I do understand, and I’ve been there myself, that there may be operations and...