Aquatic Safety Consulting
Utilizing our operational experiences laced with the cause and effect realities gained from investigative and litigation experiences, we provide the aquatic community …

We Believe Everyone is Important We are a comprehensive aquatic risk management firm dedicated to the prevention of drowning and catastrophic aquatic injuries through …

Aquatic Accident & Drowning Investigations
We specialize in providing the insurance industry, aquatic community and legal community with a resource for immediate accident investigation services. The benefits of …

Aquatic Litigation Support
We are aquatic safety experts, providing the legal community with a contemporary voice on aquatic related matters. Areas of Specialization Lifeguarding - …
Learn More – Aquatic Litigation Support

Accident Investigations

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Part 1: Aquatic Director Challenges: When your Boss Doesn’t Know Aquatics
I had lunch yesterday with a former employee who is now a Director of Aquatics and Recreation programming. She was distraught. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. She talked of being ready to quit and simply over it. I can relate. I’ve been there, so many times. We chatted over lunch and I’d like to think she felt better from our strategizing session, but the whole experience got me thinking about some of the struggles being in...
Operations Elevate Worksheet
OPERATIONAL ELEVATE WORKSHEET Hey Guys! One of the things we do is coach aquatics operations and help operators to elevate and be more successful. We know January is a time of reflection and planning for the upcoming year and thought this worksheet may be a helpful starting point. Sometimes deciding what to work on or focus on is easier when you start with your feelings. I know that may sound “foo-foo” or a little mushy, but in reality, if...
Increasing Employee Engagement: How We Created Magic in Our Lifeguard Culture
Increasing Employee Engagement: How We Created Magic in Our Lifeguard Culture Many years ago, I ran across an article online and the premise was how our children need 17 hugs a day to thrive. My immediate thought was “Wow, that’s A LOT…and I surely am failing as a parent.” This idea of 17 hugs a day stayed with me and ultimately became a personal “mom goal” for me. I even put the number 17 on my vision board (cut out from magazines) to...