Aquatic Safety Consulting
Utilizing our operational experiences laced with the cause and effect realities gained from investigative and litigation experiences, we provide the aquatic community …

We Believe Everyone is Important We are a comprehensive aquatic risk management firm dedicated to the prevention of drowning and catastrophic aquatic injuries through …

Aquatic Accident & Drowning Investigations
We specialize in providing the insurance industry, aquatic community and legal community with a resource for immediate accident investigation services. The benefits of …

Aquatic Litigation Support
We are aquatic safety experts, providing the legal community with a contemporary voice on aquatic related matters. Areas of Specialization Lifeguarding - …
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Accident Investigations

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8 Aquatic Safety Lessons from the Aviation World
I fly all the time, and the first word that I think of when I fly is “safety”. There definitely is a culture and focus that as a passenger I feel, and every time I fly I note how many similarities there are between aquatic safety and aviation safety. I considered whether guests or members who visited my waterpark or pool thought of the word “safety” first, and I bet they probably didn’t…they probably thought more about “fun” or “experience”....
The 4 Words You Should Add to Your Aquatic Operator Vocabulary Immediately
THE POWER OF BELIEF This past summer, after getting home from working a normal operator shift of only getting to sit down if I locked myself in a restroom, I received this text message. We have all gotten the text or call from an employee, a capable and amazing employee, that cannot figure something out or does not know what to do. It always seems to be when there is not a whole lot we can do from afar to assist them. So, what can we do...
Lifeguards Should NEVER Scan!
I sat at my desk one day in a creative planning mode thinking about training lifeguards and starting with the idea of asking myself what do I actually want them to do on stand? What is the outcome I want them to achieve? That thought process led me to think about "scanning" and I suddenly thought to myself that "scanning" the water was not really what I wanted my lifeguards to be doing at all. If you were to give a new lifeguard tips on how to...