Aquatic Safety Consulting
Utilizing our operational experiences laced with the cause and effect realities gained from investigative and litigation experiences, we provide the aquatic community …

We Believe Everyone is Important We are a comprehensive aquatic risk management firm dedicated to the prevention of drowning and catastrophic aquatic injuries through …

Aquatic Accident & Drowning Investigations
We specialize in providing the insurance industry, aquatic community and legal community with a resource for immediate accident investigation services. The benefits of …

Aquatic Litigation Support
We are aquatic safety experts, providing the legal community with a contemporary voice on aquatic related matters. Areas of Specialization Lifeguarding - …
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Accident Investigations

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State of Aquatics: Redwoods
We have enjoyed participating in the State of Aquatics address that happens every year with The Redwoods Group. The Redwoods Group is one of our clients that we support. Here are the last two years videos. More information about The Redwoods Group can be found at www.redwoodsgroup.com 2017: https://vimeo.com/223137454 2016: https://vimeo.com/171026425
Audits / Reviews / Examinations with Purpose
We strongly believe in the value of independent / 3rd party / outside examination of operation. Many agencies call these assessments audits, reviews, or examinations. Each lifeguard agency has a different approach to their assessment system and these outside reviews are a great way to identify the status of an operation at a given moment, provide guidance, and identify areas for focus. We have also seen and personally experienced outside...
So many resources, so little time! We have so many options in our iLEARN content area to serve and support our aquatics community: iGUARD - key principles for improving lifeguard performance. One concept and approach in this training is to INVESTIGATE your zone instead of "scanning"... iCAMP - Aquatic safety principles for camp counselors and staff. Concepts covered include being INTENTIONAL about transfer of care and ownership of campers......