Aquatic Safety Consulting
Utilizing our operational experiences laced with the cause and effect realities gained from investigative and litigation experiences, we provide the aquatic community …

We Believe Everyone is Important We are a comprehensive aquatic risk management firm dedicated to the prevention of drowning and catastrophic aquatic injuries through …

Aquatic Accident & Drowning Investigations
We specialize in providing the insurance industry, aquatic community and legal community with a resource for immediate accident investigation services. The benefits of …

Aquatic Litigation Support
We are aquatic safety experts, providing the legal community with a contemporary voice on aquatic related matters. Areas of Specialization Lifeguarding - …
Learn More – Aquatic Litigation Support

Accident Investigations

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5 Lessons Learned from Investigations
Through the course of completing over 700+ accident and drowning investigations, we believe there are important lessons to be learned from each incident individually as well as collectively. Here are a few... Bridging the gap between training and reality is important - Effective Leadership matters - Having the right support is key - Continual improvement is important - Post Traumatic Growth is an option - Each of these 5 lessons we have seen...

Everyone is Important
We believe 'Everyone is Important'. It is our why, the basis for why we do what we do. There is a different approach when you believe that everyone is important. This concept is foundational in the trainings that we conduct. We constantly communicate the message that there is a different approach when we have in our hearts and minds that the people we are dealing with, or watching in our zone are important. We don't have to know them We...